August 26, 2008

An Interesting Statistic

While listening to the radio on the drive to work this morning, I heard a commercial for Publix brand paper towels, which are on sale right now for $.89 a roll with a 4 roll limit. In the commercial, the voice tells us that the average American family uses one and one half rolls of paper towels per week. I consider myself fairly average- but my family of two people, three dogs and one bird is evidently anything but. We go through at least one roll of paper towels per day. That is at least seven rolls per week! Bounty. Regular or Mega-Rolls, Select-A-Size (which TLMM loathes because she never can select the size she needs)-- it makes no difference. Where did Publix get that statistic? Could we really be that abnormal, using almost 700% more rolls of paper towels than the average family? How many rolls does your family use?? I've gotta know...and the eggs.


Anonymous said...

You are definitely abnormal and clearly not into the whole "green" movement. I only use about one roll every 2-3 weeks (but I live by myself and eat pizza for one). You are a super polluter!

Arties32 said...

I know and it's shameful to admit, but it's the truth. But you already knew about my little obsession :)

Anonymous said...

We use about a roll every week and a half or so.... Although we heart Select-a-Size!


Le Synge Bleu said...

about a roll every 2 weeks with a baby, a cat, and a penchant for dropping sh*t on the floor. but don't ask me how many clorox clean ups wipes i use...

Anonymous said...

use about 1 a week. i think you are experimenting and trying to devise a recipe using papertowels.
go steelers.


Anonymous said...

Found you on Blogher! We probably use about a roll a week depending on what kind of messes the dogs make.

Arties32 said...

Thank you all for answering. Synge, LFM has the brightest most beautiful face, he is such a cutttteee little boy, I check your blog several times a week to see his little punim and to read the updates. Colleen- I am not using them in cooking, only to clean counters, dry washed veggies, dry wet hands, clean up messes... Gingela, welcome. Sparki, what is the smallest size in the select a size good for?

JB said...

Oh Sissy - I use about a roll every two weeks - maybe - but I haven't been home much and I haven't been cooking at all.

Anonymous said...

Oh Bug...that is so not green! I would say our family of four plus one super duper cute dog uses one roll per week. I gotta agree with Beth...don't like the select a size. Just give me the standard size!


Anonymous said...

The Dean uses the smallest size on which to make his daily sandwich for lunch. I use the smallest size to mop up the little bit of water on the bottoms of the coffee cups in the dishwasher after the wash cycle so it doesn't drip on the floor as I'm putting them in the cupboard. Hey - you asked! :)


Arties32 said...

I don't know HOW I KNEW THIS but I KNEW that you were going to say that the tiniest selection in "Select-A-Size" had something to do with bread. Now I see I was right, but whose bread is it? Looks like it is the Dean's :)

JB said...

Wow - Sparki - someone should really write a book about your interesting life!

Arties32 said...

ha ha - that was really funny. i was thinking of making fun of the size of the Dean's daily sandwich. He must use that little cocktail party bread- because I don't think the select-a-size smallest option is large enough for a regular big boy piece of white or wheat :) But then I do envy Sparky the patience to wipe off the bottoms of the coffee cups, I wish I had that type of discipline. I just turn them right side up over the sink and put them on the shelf damp.

The Cookbook Junkie said...

I thought we were using a lot these days while I'm home on maternity leave. Usually we only use about 1 per week but lately it's been more like 1 1/2.

If my husband uses them (to clean his car usually, very rarely to clean the bathroom), well, he goes through about the entire roll. Fortunately (or unfortunately) that rarely happens!