September 3, 2008

Better Late Than Never!

Click on graphic to enlarge. When GW was asked what journalists like to eat, he said "brie and cheese".

Okay, so I was a little behind on reading my calendar.


Anonymous said...

Mmmm now I want that brie and cheese you make, with the fruit and the nuts! Delicious.

Arties32 said...

I'm just craving the brie, not the cheese. Ha ha. Yea, that one is good- but so is the other one w/the phyllo and fruit preserves.

Anonymous said...

Oh George.

JB said...

I found cave aged cheese in the store - it was awesome! Made me think about you and Miami - and apparently a Whole Foods just opened up here in the west end - but it will be worth the trip now that I am back in the kitchen!!