November 21, 2007

Giving Thanks Every Day

I'm thankful for so many things- most importantly I try not to take those things for granted. In fact, I give thanks for them every night before I go to sleep.

I am thankful for my family and my extended family of friends, and for how generous they have been with their time over the last few years. We have a renewed bond which has only grown stronger with time. I'm so thankful for my nieces and nephews and how they make me laugh and remember what it was like to be a kid!!

I am thankful for my home, I am thankful for a bunch of things I have, some make life easier and more comfortable and some are just for fun- and thankful that I realize that those things are only things.

I am thankful for my animals, who, down to the little bird Hedwig, show me unconditional love every day, and I am thankful for my partner who loves me the same way. I am thankful that my family loves her, and that our families have so much in common, both personally and professionally.

I am thankful that the gym is 10 steps away from my office door!

I am very thankful for artichokes, butter, the perfect steak, hash browns, stone crab claws, cabbage rolls and birthday cake.

I'm thankful that my little brother is in town for one day and I will see him at lunchtime!

I'm thankful that my sister, Muffin face, was the 10,000th visitor on my blog, and will receive an official ...and the eggs t-shirt with "10,000th Visitor" on the back. Congratulations and mazal tov, Muffin Face.

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone! Enjoy the holiday, and enjoy the food! Most importantly, appreciate what you have...and the eggs.


Anonymous said...

Yeah!! Can't wait to get my T-shirt!! I am thankful for you sissy!! and so jealous that you are about to see Jon - say hi - take his pic and send it to me. XO

Anonymous said...

Love to you and TLMM this Thanksgiving from Sparki and The Dean.

Arties32 said...

And to you too, Sparkalicious! So happy we are in touch. Can't wait for your guest blog. Please give DD and PL my love next time you see them. And love to The Dean, of course! xoxo,

Anonymous said...

Now, finally, I figured out who atrie 32 is-I think!
I am thankful that you are my daughter!
love and hugs,
ps and that you found BAM!!!